Solve unique infrastructure construction challenges with a scalable drone program that includes mapping, analytics and insights for digitizing operations

The infrastructure construction industry is in the throes of its own digital transformation with new technologies changing and upgrading the way construction sites are managed from start to finish. Drones have been one of the biggest game changers and are now an integral part of the information-gathering and data collection stages of an infrastructure construction project.

Using drones, sites can be surveyed from above as often as necessary. However, drone data does not work on its own. In order to leverage this data, it needs to be fed into a specialist platform that can analyze it, create 3D photogrammetry models, generate accurate reports, and provide insights for better decision-making.

All of this (and more) needs to be taken into account when developing and scaling up a drone program for successful infrastructure project monitoring.

In this webinar, we discuss:

  • Unique industry challenges
  • How drone mapping can help solve these challenges
  • How to set up a successful drone program
  • How to ensure drone data accuracy
  • What else is required to leverage drone data properly?
  • Use cases

Almost there!

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