Point cloud photogrammetry is a technique used to create 3D models of objects or environments using a set of photographs taken from different angles. The process involves using specialized software to extract 3D spatial information from a collection of 2D images, typically obtained from cameras or drones.

The software uses algorithms to identify common points between the images and then calculates the 3D coordinates of these points based on their positions in the various photographs. This creates a “point cloud” of data points that represent the surface of the object or environment being captured.

Once the point cloud is generated, additional software can be used to create a 3D mesh or model from the data. This model can then be used for a variety of applications, including visualization, virtual reality, and augmented reality.

Point cloud photogrammetry is commonly used in fields such as architecture, engineering, surveying, and construction to create accurate and detailed 3D models of buildings, landscapes, and other objects.