4D capabilities, in the context of construction management tools, refer to the integration of time (the fourth dimension) into the traditional 3D modeling and project management processes. This involves the utilization of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology to create a digital representation of an infrastructure construction project that not only includes the spatial aspects (length, width, height) but also incorporates the element of time.

In essence, 4D capabilities allow project stakeholders, such as architects, engineers, contractors, and clients, to visualize and simulate the entire construction process over time. This added dimension enables a more comprehensive understanding of how a project will evolve from start to finish, aiding in the identification of potential conflicts, delays, and resource constraints. It helps teams make more informed decisions, streamline scheduling, optimize resource allocation, and enhance overall project coordination.

By incorporating the time dimension into 3D modeling and project management, 4D capabilities offer a more holistic view of infrastructure construction projects, leading to improved collaboration, better decision-making, and increased efficiency in project execution.